Vanishing Mark Pen Magic contest ~ Vidio Video the Master Sulap RCTI,trik raja sulap,toko sulap,cara belajar sulap,alat kursus sulap

Vanishing Mark Pen Magic contest

Use magic skills you learn from the industrious. scenes magic that makes audiences laugh for wonder. A Novel Joke Pen seems like a normal pen that is used a lot of people. You pretend to write with this pen tintanya but not out, so you scribbled on the table cloth or clothing in someone so tintanya out and finally table cloth or clothes with your friends tercoret with black and clear. At the time the owner or the table cloth shirt shocked angry and want to start, you wind instrument streak of black ink, and also disappeared without a stroke used! GREAT JOKE!
* No chemicals or liquids (ink).
* There is no iota of dirt or stains on clothing or body.
* Use the same pen for the next. Nothing changed.

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