Romy Rafael is the master of Hipnosis ~ Vidio Video the Master Sulap RCTI,trik raja sulap,toko sulap,cara belajar sulap,alat kursus sulap

Romy Rafael is the master of Hipnosis

Foto Romy rafael
Romy Rafael have a genuine Romy Tunggul Widodo, he was born in Surabaya, East Java, July 12, 1977, age 31 years), known as pesulap from Indonesia.
Romy hipnosis experts, according to Romi is not magic and there is no element of magic at all.
Romy Rafael often wear black and cover the head hipnosis this study and the various uses for over 4 years in the United States, among others in the Hypnotism Training Institute, Ultimate Stage Hypnotism Institute, and Institute for Neuro Research and Education. Romy hipnosis now for the stage and entertainment, the clinical (medical psychological problems), medical (medical), even hipnosis for business and enterprise.
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