Video The Master Sulap RCTI season 3

This the video of The master sulap rcti season 3. The Master is the latest in RCTI followed 6 pesulap new candidate as The Master RCTI. The flow of magic in the new RCTI The Master 3, including comedy magic. Reality-pocus RCTI is booming again. IN the this vidio we will know about sulap by acara the master rcti.
1. Krishnaji Avatar Magician
The flow of magic Krisnaji similar to Limbad winner of The Master 2, but he is the five elements of nature.
2. Rizuki Magician Princess
Flow Rizuki same magic with Rhomedal. The Master Pesulap women rely on this 3-speed hand. One more woman than Angelina pesulap Zhi.
3. Ricardo Soldier of mentalist
Ronald Ricardo flow magic mentalism is the same as Joe Sandy, but he combines magic mentalist with the military.
4. Magician duo Dibor wierdo
Dino stream duet and Boris is magical comedy. Action magic Duo Dibor strange indeed.
5. Fabian Funky Magician
Flow with the same magic Fabian Deddy Corbuzier, but the style of the withdrawal berpakaiannya funky skater, skateboard players.
6. Bayu Gendeng Phsyco Magician

MAGIC : Complete Course (With DVD) game Tricks

Game Guide dazzled by using DVD Video. Yng very interesting to watch. This is the only book with the magic Step-By-Step 500 full-color photos and more 2 hour DVD with 35 effect is played and taught with great detail. You will find detailed instructions to play more than 100 Magical Effects and without the expertise or knowledge first. Each trick is arranged with the rating system to the level of difficulty from 1-5 and is divided into for-EFFECT, SECRET, SET-UP, and a very important PERFORMANCE with lessons on the emotional control of fishing, what is said, how to direct the attention of spectators and where keep both your hands. With a thick book almost 300 pages and over 100 effects stunning to learn, you will not leave the house for a month! By Joshua Jay

Ultimate Penetration Plus Magic contest

A sleight of interest to see. learn at least 1 day to practice. Remarkable that a pen can penetrate paper money or coin, the coin into a different coin with a one-time beat with this pen. This illusion is one of the Close-Up is very incredible. There are several models Pen penetrate money but this one is the best and only use a pen (No Switches) and the same pen can be freely submitted for review in the audience and able to write like a normal pen. Complete and ready for use with the instructions with color photos for four miraculous effects stunning. Highly Recommended.

Teen Thumb Tip magic contest

A very useful items that have been made to perform miracles-miracles in the ... Now, in the new small size (youth sizes). Thumb Tip has been a secret gimmick that brought in the go-bags, which anyone who want to make objects vanish, appear, change and return to original form. This is a measure of responsibility (adolescents) of the rubber.

84 trik sulap kartu

84 trik sulap kartu. 84 Card Tricks by Hugh Morris contains all the general principles of skill, hand (Sleight-of-hand) with the card and many effects are good, including "The Pass", "Forcing a Card", "Trick Cards", " Coppers and Robbers, "" Blind Man's Bluff, "" The Magic Twelve, "" The Rising Card Trick "," The Inseparable Four Kings, "and many more. Well Written.

Vanishing Mark Pen Magic contest

Use magic skills you learn from the industrious. scenes magic that makes audiences laugh for wonder. A Novel Joke Pen seems like a normal pen that is used a lot of people. You pretend to write with this pen tintanya but not out, so you scribbled on the table cloth or clothing in someone so tintanya out and finally table cloth or clothes with your friends tercoret with black and clear. At the time the owner or the table cloth shirt shocked angry and want to start, you wind instrument streak of black ink, and also disappeared without a stroke used! GREAT JOKE!
* No chemicals or liquids (ink).
* There is no iota of dirt or stains on clothing or body.
* Use the same pen for the next. Nothing changed.

Spring Flowers Magic contest

Magic show by using artificial means of magic or feigned interest. This will be a great show. Each pesulap using Spring Flowers. This is a set of 10 Spring Flowers (With Strings) that Warni color. Spring Flowers are always perfect to use as a production item. Set of interest emerged from the box, an envelope sheet, in the arms of your shirt, etc.. Can also be used for the production of flower colors diujung your fingers. Spectators will be surprised when your fingers removing the flowers. fantastic ...

Comedy (Passe Passe) Bottle & Glass magic Video

Magic to entertain audiences, that you are a pesulap that funny. Show the two tubes and an empty bottle. Close the bottle with a tube that is on the right, and the bottle is taken back (removed) and inserted into the tube of the left, say the magic mantra ... and move back into the bottle on the right tube! Make a magical and wonderful hint two bottles from appearing in the tube, so that now the three bottles. Close the bottle that is, do more magical hint .. and bottles were changed to glass. Epic ... cheers of spectators will make you proud ...

Mr. Limbad is the Master magician of Indonesia

Mr. Limbad is the master magic. The Master RCTI mysterious figure appears from the magician candidate event. The Master of impressions on the second session of running every Friday 21:30 hours there is this appearance Limbad Mr.
He lived in the village district Dukuhwringin Slawi. And as I know, he is a magician in aksinya me "mutilasi" the human body and restore it to original form, such as cut fingers, hands, and even neck. Show-business magic is often around the corners of the country to follow the crowd as the night market, exhibition development, etc.. Limbad have a younger sister named Angger brother-in-law who often juggle action in Malioboro street Jogjakarta.

Romy Rafael is the master of Hipnosis

Foto Romy rafael
Romy Rafael have a genuine Romy Tunggul Widodo, he was born in Surabaya, East Java, July 12, 1977, age 31 years), known as pesulap from Indonesia.
Romy hipnosis experts, according to Romi is not magic and there is no element of magic at all.
Romy Rafael often wear black and cover the head hipnosis this study and the various uses for over 4 years in the United States, among others in the Hypnotism Training Institute, Ultimate Stage Hypnotism Institute, and Institute for Neuro Research and Education. Romy hipnosis now for the stage and entertainment, the clinical (medical psychological problems), medical (medical), even hipnosis for business and enterprise.

Romy Rafael The Master Hipnotis Season 2

Video Romy Rafael in The Master in rcti very popular. Hypnotic is the latest magic RCTI. Romy Rafael is famous master hypnotic. Events magical Romy Rafael Master Hypnotist is this excellent event RCTI.

Sulap Kartu Untuk Pemula

1. Menemukan satu kartu pilihan yang dikocok ke dalam 1 deck.

1. Korban mengambil satu kartu secara acak dari deck, lalu melihatnya tanpa menunjukkannya kepada kita.

2. Sewaktu korban melakukan no #1, kamu memegang kartu itu dengan tangan kiri kanan. Lalu kamu colong penglihatan ke kartu paling bawah dari deck tangan kanan kamu. Dalam contoh ini 2 sekop.

3. Setelah korban melihat kartunya, suruh dia meletakkannya di atas deck tangan kiri kamu. Terus campurkan deck yang ada di tangan kanan kamu diatasnya.

4. Kocok. Tapi usahakan kamu saja yang mengocok kartu itu. Karena trik ini agak riskan bila si korban yang melakukan pengocokan. Lakukan ini beberapa kali aja. Tapi usahakan untuk tidak terlalu mengocok secara detil, karena takutnya kartu yang kamu lihat tadi terpisah sama kartu umpannya.

5. Setelah selesai mengocok kartunya, mulai kamu buang satu-satu kartu dari kartu yang paling atas. Lakukan ini terus sampai kartu yang kamu colong lihat tadi keluar, yaitu 2 sekop.

6. Setelah 2 sekop itu keluar, kartu berikutnya adalah kartu dia.

2. Menemukan satu kartu pilihan dengan menjatuhkan satu deck dari udara.

1. Fan kartu dengan keadaan terbuka ke korban. Sisipkan satu kartu paling belakang ke tengah-tengah sehingga dari depan tidak terlihat. Kartu ini digunakan sebagai hack.

2. Suruh korban tunjuk salah satu kartu yang dia mau. Setelah dia tunjuk, hitung mulai dari kartu yang paling kanan hingga ke kartu yang dia tunjuk itu.

3. Setelah sampai di kartu umpan, angkat kartunya sedikit sambil meminta sekali lagi kepastian dari korban bahwa itu kartu yang dia minta. Lalu square deck. Jangan dikocok.

4. Dengan cepat kamu mulai menghitung kembali kartu yang dia pilih tadi dengan mulai dari kartu yang paling atas, dibuang secara tertutup ke meja. Setelah sampai di kartu ke sekian yang dia pilih. Pegang kartu itu, lalu tanpa dibuka, masukkan ke tengah-tengah deck di hadapan korban. Lalu square deck.

5. Triknya terletak disini. Selagi kamu square deck, tempatkan jempol tangan kiri kamu di kartu yang paling atas. Lalu geser sedikit ke arah kanan, sambil tangan kamu mengangkat deck itu ke udara. Geser sampai maksimal 1/2 kartu . Lalu jatuhkan dengan keadaan tangan kanan menutup kartu itu dari atas.

6. Seharusnya kartu umpan akan muncul terbalik di atas tumpukan deck yang dijatuhkan dari udara tadi. Karena gesekan udara, kartu akan terbalik sehingga mendaratnya dalam keadaan terbuka. Diperlukan latihan berulang-ulang untuk mendapatkan feel yang pas sewaktu akan menjatuhkan deck kartu.

3. Empat kartu As yang berpindah-pindah dari atas ke bawah.

1. Siapkan 4 kartu As.

2. Lalu susun sedemikian rupa sehingga ada satu kartu selipan yang tidak terlihat korban di belakang susunan 4 As tersebut. Perlihatkan kepada korban dengan tidak terlalu lama.

3. Lalu square menjadi satu deck. Kartu selipan tadi harus terletak di paling atas.

4. Keluarkan kembali 4 kartu As tersebut sembari ngomong "Satu, dua, tiga, empat...". Hal ini perlu untuk menambah perhatian korban bahwa kartu yang kita buang ini adalah ke 4 As tadi.

5. Lalu mulai dari kartu yang no 1, ambil kartu itu, lalu masukkan ke tumpukan deck paling bawah. Terus sambil diketuk sekali deck itu,buka kartu yang paling atas, sembari bilang "Tuh, Asnya pindah dari bawah ke atas...". Lalu buang kartu As itu.

6. Kemudian kartu no 2 berikutnya, ambil kartu itu, lalu taruh di tumpukan deck paling atas. Ketuk sekali, terus keluarkan kartu dari tumpukan deck yang paling bawah. Sambil ngomong lagi "Nah, sekarang dia dari atas pindah ke bawah.".

7. Kartu no 3 juga begitu. Ambil kartu itu, masukkan ke tumpukan deck paling bawah. Ketuk, terus buka kartu paling atas.

8. Kartu terakhir kamu ambil, terus kamu taruh di tengah-tengah tumpukan deck. Terus ketuk deck itu, terus keluarkan kartu paling bawah tumpukan deck. "Sekarang kartunya dari tengah-tengah tumpukan pindah ke paling bawah.".

9. Kartu Asnya sudah muncul semua sekarang.

Sumber :

Video of Deddy Corbuzier The master of mental

Dedy Corbuzier is a mentalis.
Dedy Corbuzier is a professional pesulap Chinese descent. He recognized the face with a unique in make up.

His popularity not only big name as pesulap by profession, but also owing to stage appearance in the world of entertainment in India. In addition to often appear in various events magical and talk about the magic show at various television stations, he also had a number of star in television ads and print media. Dedi was played in a number of guest stars as sinetron. His popular especially ditopang by kemahirannya enchain in the audience who witnessed the his action. In addition to magic tricks general, Dedi also often presents a magic show containing a high risk.
Although known as pesulap, he prefers to be called themselves "mentalis".

The Master Sulap Indonesia

In fact the magic in The Master To audience RCTI Television magic in Indonesia
Due to popularity this event, the Kick Andy MetroTV the broadcast at the same decreasing the number of spectators is quite significant.
If asked which educate more Kick Andy or The Master, the answer is Kick Andy. But in fact The Master has a level of entertainment that is much higher, which caused tersedotnya television audience to the event. However, the need we praised the Master is able to change the climate in Indonesia, where-where people discuss the matter of magic. Classes are learning magic diserbu many.

Learning magic in Indonesia is actually necessary, because the magical community are taught to think logically that the level intelegensi community. If the first element of the mystical magic always said, now people can think more clear and logical that the things that does not make sense is that there triknya and not something mystical smell. Of course this idea needs to ditanamkan on the Indonesian people that most people hold in Indonesia is very mystical and magical smell.

Video sulap kartu Indonesia by father for to entertain children

Ini adalah video trik dari sulap kartu untuk menghibur anaknya

Vidio cara Belajar trik sulap money will disappear

Menghilangkan uang kertas dengan cara di lipat
Video money will disappear after the paper folded in and then hold hands with the remas. Juggler will eliminate the paper money. Audiences will wonder and magic of the wrapper in which to do it by juggler.
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